Topics covered in the Model Maker Introduction course are:
Session 1 – Google Earth and Model Maker
- Import Google Images
- Generate contours from Google Earth heights
- Import KML files
- Export data to Google Earth
Session 2 – Survey Point data manipulation
- Constants Codes Audit Rotate Reports
- Global Manipulation Point DoID/ManId
Session 3 – Working with Survey Projects
- Compare Copy Combine
Session 4 – Advanced Triangulation
- Exclude points while creating triangles
- Working with vertical excavation models in 3D
- Advanced Triangle Display options
- Break line triangle editing expanded
- General tips and tricks
Session 5 – Basic Survey Calculations
- Joins & Polar
- Areas
- Datum Conversions
- Helmert Transformation
Session 6 – Productivity enhancement CAD functions
- CAD DoId and ManId
- Custom line types
Session 7 – Practical: Platform design step by step
- Design of complex platforms
- Working with toe lines
Session 8 – Bulk Earthworks: Cut & Fill Bulk Earthwork Volumes
- Volumes by Grid
- Volumes by Sections
- Volume Balancing
- Setting out data for terraces
Session 9 – Analysis Functions
- Height Slope Valley
Session 10 – Strings design functions
- Edit
- Info
- Utilities
Session 11 – Plotting & Exports
- Paper Window
- Scales
- Viewports & Key plan
- Export to other CAD packages
- User Title Blocks
Session 12 – Advanced customization
- Creating Custom Backups of Settings files
- Defaults
- Plotter & Pens Colors Parameters